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Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi Affiliation No. 130689

Sports and Games

ABC believes that the sports field offers unique opportunities for children to develop the qualities of leadership, teamwork, and sportsmanship, while also building physical fitness. Making use of ABC's vast playground and sports courts, students regularly hone their skills in various sports (both individual and team sports), and also compete in state-level and national level sports competitions.

Indoor games such as carroms and chess are also encouraged, and our students display immense talent and acumen, and excel at these games as well.

Inter-House System

The school believes in training students to take leadership roles in their lives and move ahead of others. In order to maintain the system of self Government, the entire strength of the school is divided into Four Houses: Artificial Intelligence, Tech-Savy, Robotics and Ed.Teck.  Each house has captains and vice- captains mentored by House masters and House Assistant