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Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi Affiliation No. 130689

From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parent,
A warm and hearty welcome to you into the world of ABC!

Let me begin with some great news - ABC is now a CBSE-affiliated school. It has also installed state-of-the-art technology in every classroom, fully-equipped math and science laboratories, and sophisticated language labs.

Yes, ABC's campus infrastructure has always been stellar - but now, it has moved a notch higher.

Schooling at ABC is an everyday celebration, because students are encouraged by staff and teachers to take joy in learning and growing alongside their peers. Of course, examination results are also important, and ABC's students regularly succeed at board and entrance examinations at various levels. Above all, ABCians possess expert life-skills - they display remarkable tact, grace, and integrity in their lives as entrepreneurs, professionals, spouses, parents, citizens, and human beings.

I take great joy in my job as principal, and have done so for the past 27 years. I look forward to many more years of serving the students' community with the same zeal and commitment.

Warm regards,


Ramadevi Iyengar, Principal